Customize templates and styles


Ter should work out of the box with zero configuration needed to get a decent output. However, it's possible to customize various aspects of the rendered website.


Page styles

Main page styles are defined in .ter/assets/ter.css. The content-related CSS is mostly classless to avoid depending on specific classes from the template.

Code highlights

Code snippets are highlighted by highlight.js and use the theme defined in .ter/assets/hljs.css, which can be replaced by any highlight.js-compatible theme file.


Ter uses Eta templates to build pages. It’s possible to customize the output by changing the default view files in .ter/views/.

Custom <head> template

If a file at .ter/views/head.eta exists, its content will be injected at the bottom of HTML <head> tag of all built pages. This can be used for adding things like analytics integration.